Stool Specimens (Part 2)

Pasture Some people tell me that they just can’t find where their dog goes to the bathroom.  If they live on a huge farm, then I’m not surprised.  Sure, I’m disappointed, but I’m not surprised.  When they tell me that "Yes, the yard is fenced", but they still can’t find it, I’ve got to wonder just how big this yard is.  If it’s that huge, they probably have servants to take care of it.  Perhaps one of the servants could follow the dog around for a day.

Houses Then there are folks who live in little subdivisions, with little houses and little yards, all in a row.  When they tell me that the dog doesn’t go in their yard and they just "don’t know where he goes", I’m thinking that there is somebody in the neighborhood who does know where he goes.  I’m also thinking that that somebody is not only anxious to show the owner that location, but also to talk to him about it… vigorously!

They should call The Poop Detective.  The video may be a little silly, but the message of being considerate of your neighbors is right on the money.  Leaving fresh crap all over is inconsiderate, unsanitary, and just gross.  Not to mention that it does not make dog-lovers out of the previously undecided group of voters.  If you love your dog, don’t help him make enemies.

No_poop_2 That’s why I’ve had this sign in my kennel for years.  The deodorizer spray next to it works a lot better than the sign, though.

1 thoughts on “Stool Specimens (Part 2)

  1. Diana Guerrero says:

    Oh my gosh, what a great video!

    Did I forget to mention that once again I enjoyed your post? Whoops!

    Here in the woods (and at the edge of the forest and lake) people don’t pick up after their dogs.

    They don’t listen, they don’t care. Out of sight and out of mind.

    Raccoons and coyotes are susceptible to many of the diseases canine fecal matter leaves in their terrain…so, scoop the poop!

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